

Why content is important for Digital Marketing

Writing is not east.Good writing is crafted. Each word is thought about,each word is put together carefully and each paragraph is a work of art.  Writing is edited, and edited again, until it is just perfect.   But writing is not only about craft.  Writing needs to be accessible.  If you are writing about academics, for academics, it needs to be written in an academic manner.  If

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Search engine still can be optimisation the most important thing out there and don’t let them fool you otherwise

Digital Marketing is the most important form of marketing.  No-one disagrees with that.  And yet there are many who would like to tell you that SEO is dead and there are different and new ways to get your message across.  Well, let me tell you one thing.  The new ways are all forms of SEO, and also, SEO is the most important tool you could use to get traffic towards your business / website.

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Digital marketing guidies that will help you

You can go online easily and read up about Digital Marketing.  In fact, we suggest you do. We also suggest you practice.  Make yourself familiar with all the Digital Marketing tools that are out there on the market, many of which are free.  And if you find that you are a bit confused, or you want to get a foot into the market easily, do a Digital Marketing diploma or degree.   There

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Six stratagies that will definitely work for search engine optimization. (S.E.O)

  Search Engine Optimisation is always going to come into the conversation when you are working on a Digital Marketing Campaign.  And, let’s face it, everything today is digital.  All big companies have websites and mostly, smaller companies have them too.  If you want to stay ahead of the game, you need to get your digital information out there to the people who are ultimately going to b

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The power of Voice Search in SEO / Digital Marketing

Voice search is on the rise.  Think how often you have sat with a friend or in a restaurant and you’ve heard them Ask Siri, Ask Google or use Amazon Echo or Microsoft Cortana.  It is pretty easy to pick up your phone and ask where the closest restaurant is or how to fix your car tyre.  More than half of Millenials use voice search and the number of adults using voice search is growing dai

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How to be winner with search engine optimisation, SEO.

  Think of a website as a shop. The shop is really pretty, you have an excellent shopkeeper and gorgeous things on the shelves.  Your prices are good and you offer excellent service.  But if you don't market well and get people in to the shop, you are not going to get any business.   This is exactly the same for an online website.  It might be the best looking website in the

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There’s a video craze that is a huge part of Digital Marketing.

importance of Search Engine Optimization, key words and key phrases, long form content There is a new and innovative way to increase your Digital Marketing.  We all know the and visuals.  But - there is something new and creative and it’s all about live video.  It is creative, exciting and will draw big traffic towards your site.   Live video is a live campaign.  If you are clever

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The steps needed to become a good Digital Marketing person

Digital marketing can include but not be limited to:- Social Media. Blog Posts Websites Google Ads Mobile Display Advertisment   And most importantly, Search Engine Optimization, for all of the above.   Most shoppers these days, in fact over 80% of shoppers, do online research before making a purchase.  This means that digital is no longer the future.  Digita

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Are you looking for career in Digital Marketing?

If you are thinking about a career in Digital Marketing, you are already on the right track.   The world has gone Digital and almost every company, irrespective of size, has a presence on the internet.  And if they don’t have a presence on the internet, they are definitely going to in the next few years.   So what exactly is Digital Marketing?  It is the use of the internet for advert

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Four major benefits why should you learn Digital Marketing course in Kolkata

India is a huge part of the Digital Revolution and by the year 2020 almost every single company in the world, including India, will have an online presence.  Right now in 2017, all big companies have websites or web pages and almost everyone has a presence on Social Media. There are digital Apps for almost anything - health, food, movies, travel, work - and the best way to get yourself or your Co

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